Fabulous Father’s Day Gifts
10 colorful ways to make his day.
By Lisa S. Cavallari

A few years back—OK, let’s call it 40—a father’s responsibilities were relegated to bread-winning, assembling toys and giving a good pep talk every now and then. Flash forward to 2014, when the average family man now changes diapers, sits on teddy bear tea parties, and hits the playground regularly. Today’s dads are stepping up their game.
To honor the man who does everything (we’ll forgive him for leaving the toilet seat up or forgetting to stock the diaper bag), we’ve compiled a list of great Father’s Day gift ideas. Whether you’re the daughter of a great dad, or the life partner of a magnificent man who’s helping you raise some rocking kids, you’ll find something here that’s worthy of the man (or men) in your life. And no, that doesn’t mean another tie, a bottle of cologne or soap-on-a-rope. Here are 10 unique and fun ways to show your love for those wacky, lovable and doting fathers on June 15. … //READ MORE