The Devil’s in the Detail
And the angels? You’ll find them—and their bold, inspiring voices—right here on these pages.

About two months ago, somewhere during the process of expanding what was then my intimate little blog, I suddenly got too ambitious for my own good. My web designer, Leigh-Ann, probably thought I’d lost my mind when I asked her to remove my mug shot and my name from Red Typewriter’s home page (“Get rid of all evidence of her and bring me a big glass of vodka!”—a line from one of my favorite movies, Moonstruck). I also asked her to switch to an editorial-style layout, add multiple story teasers, and create bylines for the slew of international writers I planned to seduce into writing. I declared that we’d never use the word blog again. This is something bigger: We would create a frigging magazine!
The truth is, I missed being a magazine editor. Since I was a little kid and sat mesmerized in front of the TV watching the miniseries Lace, in which Bess Armstrong’s character edited a glamorous publication of the same name, that’s all I wanted to do. Then I actually did it: I spent a decade working in the land of New York publishing, meeting insane deadlines and managing a staff of artsy types like myself, but hopefully never turning as crazy as Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada (although some of my former staffers would disagree). But then kids came, and life changed dramatically. No more late-night press parties. No more trips to Paris and Milan. The highlight of my career, in the first year after my daughter was born, was interviewing the designer Betsy Johnson from my bed, trying simultaneously to hold the phone under my chin, type on my laptop, and nurse my colicky newborn—while almost crying from the absurdity of it all. … //READ MORE