How I Became an Erotic Romance Novelist
One writer comes out of the closet to explain her passion for the steamy stuff.
By Rebecca Grace Allen

I write erotic romance.
I used hide that. I’d never say those four little words out loud. Admitting it to my family and friends was a struggle. Even now, I’m hyperventilating a little bit to see those words written down, knowing they’re going to be printed and read. But I don’t hide it anymore, because the world is a different place than it was a few years ago. It’s a world where women are no longer afraid to be upfront about what they’re reading, the dog-eared pages of a steamy novel no longer hidden under their beds. Instead, these books are on their Nooks and Kindles, read in the light of day. And as a writer, I think that’s pretty damn awesome. So I’m not hiding anymore. … //READ MORE