Gone Girl Is a Dark Look At Marriage
When it comes to relationships, how many of us are pretenders?
By Maryann LoRusso

Warning: This article contains spoilers. Lots of them.
Tell me. Would you stay with a lying, cheating husband? Would you live with a man who uproots you from the big city to a small Midwestern town, uses your inheritance to fund his business, then considers trading you in for a younger, sexier woman? Would you manipulate a pregnancy with this guy, then pretend to the world that the two of you have the perfect life, the perfect romance, the perfect relationship?
You would if you were Amy Dunne, the twisted wife who goes missing in the new David Fincher movie Gone Girl, based on the bestseller by Gillian Flynn. But wait, you wouldn’t let him off the hook so easy. Not right away. First, you’d plan an elaborate revenge that involves faking your own death and turning your husband into the most hated man in America. But in the end, because you are so twisted, you’d have a change of heart and find a way to keep him by your side, on your terms, for better or worse. … //READ MORE